Nuclear Facilities
For certain parts of the operation, the licensee, who owns and operates the nuclear power plant, must engage accredited bodies to ensure that the work is performed in a manner that meets the stringent safety requirements. Inspections and testing can occur in connection with construction, manufacturing, installation, modification, and as part of the recurring inspection of the facility.
The term nuclear power encompasses all activities that handle nuclear materials and nuclear waste, including the operation of nuclear power plants, as well as facilities for interim storage and final disposal of nuclear fuel.
Swedac accredits the inspection bodies that conduct inspections in the nuclear sector. Accreditation is carried out according to the standard SS-EN ISO/IEC 17020.
Swedac also accredits laboratories that conduct non-destructive or destructive testing in the nuclear sector. Accreditation is carried out according to the standard SS-EN ISO/IEC 17025.
Requirements and guidance documents - Nuclear Facility - Inspection
Specific Documents for the accreditation scheme
Requirements to be met for accreditation to be granted:
- SSMFS 2008:13 | Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s Regulations on Mechanical Devices in Certain Nuclear Facilities
- Acceptance Criteria for Objects/Systems/Persons Assessed by the Accredited Body
- SSM2019-6915-60 | Conditions for the ESS Facility in Lund
- SSMFS 2008:13 | Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s Regulations on Mechanical Devices in Certain Nuclear Facilities
General documents for the type of inspection
Requirements to be met for accreditation to be granted:
- SS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 | Conformity Assessment – Requirements for the Operation of Various Types of Bodies Performing Inspection
- STAFS 2020:1 | Swedac’s Regulations and General Guidelines on Accreditation
Instructions and advice for meeting accreditation requirements:
- ILAC G24:2022 | Guidelines for the Determination of Recalibration Intervals of Measuring Equipment
- ILAC P15:05/2020 | Application of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 for the Accreditation of Inspection Bodies
- SWEDAC DOC 01:14 | Assessment of Quality Systems in an Electronic Environment
- SWEDAC DOC 03:9 | Swedac’s Policy on Flexible Scope Accreditation
- SWEDAC DOC 04:2 | Swedac’s Policy for Metrological Traceability, Calibration, and Measurement Uncertainty
- SWEDAC DOC 05:6 | Internal Audits – Guidance for Laboratories and Inspection Bodies
- SWEDAC DOC 06:9 | Swedac’s Policy for the Participation of Accredited Laboratories and Inspection Bodies in Proficiency Testing
- SWEDAC DOC 10:5 | Guidance for Information Security Work
- SWEDAC DOC 12:7 | Guidance on the Use of Scales in Testing Laboratories and Inspection Bodies
- SWEDAC DOC 15:4 | Guidance for the Assessment of Inspection Bodies Against SS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012
- SWEDAC DOC 18:2 | Guidance on Measurements Performed as Part of an Inspection Process
- SWEDAC DOC 20:1 | Swedac’s Policy for Referencing Accreditation
Requirements and guidance documents - Nuclear Facility - NDT
Specific documents for the accreditation scheme
Requirements to be met for accreditation to be granted:
- SSMFS 2008:13 | Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s Regulations on Mechanical Devices in Certain Nuclear Facilities
- Acceptance Criteria for Objects/Systems/Persons Assessed by the Accredited Body
- SSMFS 2008:13 | Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s Regulations on Mechanical Devices in Certain Nuclear Facilities
General documents for the type of inspection
Requirements to be met for accreditation to be granted:
SS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 | Conformity Assessment – Requirements for the Operation of Various Types of Bodies Performing Inspection
STAFS 2020:1 | Swedac’s Regulations and General Guidlines on Accreditation
Instructions and advice for meeting accreditation requirements:
- ILAC G24:2022 | Guidelines for the Determination of Recalibration Intervals of Measuring Equipment
- ILAC P15:05/2020 | Application of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 for the Accreditation of Inspection Bodies
- SWEDAC DOC 01:14 | Assessment of Quality Systems in an Electronic Environment
- SWEDAC DOC 03:9 | Swedac’s Policy on Flexible Scope Accreditation
- SWEDAC DOC 04:2 | Swedac’s Policy for Metrological Traceability, Calibration, and Measurement Uncertainty
- SWEDAC DOC 05:6 | Internal Audits – Guidance for Laboratories and Inspection Bodies
- SWEDAC DOC 06:9 | Swedac’s Policy for the Participation of Accredited Laboratories and Inspection Bodies in Proficiency Testing
- SWEDAC DOC 10:5 | Guidance for Information Security Work
- SWEDAC DOC 12:7 | Guidance on the Use of Scales in Testing Laboratories and Inspection Bodies
- SWEDAC DOC 15:4 | Guidance for the Assessment of Inspection Bodies Against SS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012
- SWEDAC DOC 18:2 | Guidance on Measurements Performed as Part of an Inspection Process
- SWEDAC DOC 20:1 | Swedac’s Policy for Referencing Accreditation