Swedac is the national accreditation body for Sweden. It is also the authority that coordinates the market surveillance in Sweden and it has responsibility in issues relating to measuring instruments and precious metals. Swedac has international assignments within all these areas. The authority’s activities are regulated by instructions and appropriation directions from the government as well as legislation and agreements within Europe and globally.
Swedac belongs to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and reports to the Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade.
Swedac’s vision states: Swedac’s activities contribute to creating an open and global market and competitive industry, as well as safeguarding consumers and product users in a sustainable society.
- is the national accreditation body. Amongst other things, this means that the authority accredits laboratories, certification bodies and inspection bodies in accordance with international standards and regulations
- provides advice to other authorities on issues relating to technical inspection and so-called conformity assessment
- is the regulatory and supervisory authority for legal metrology. This means that Swedac draws up rules for weights and measures and ensures compliance with them
- is the regulatory and supervisory authority for trade in and the production of articles made from precious metals
- coordinates the Swedish authorities that carry out the market surveillance of products
- provides expert advice to the Government in EU matters within its fields of responsibility as an authority
- cooperates with the accreditation bodies and legal metrology authorities in other countries in order to ensure a common interpretation and application of different standards
- Swedac is appointed as the inspecting GLP authority in Sweden by the ministry of Foreign affairs, regulation implementing the OECD principles of Good Laboratory Practice (Förordning (1991:93) om införande av OECD:s principer om god laboratoriesed)